Blog | Digital Lock Reviews & Updates | AN DIGITAL LOCK

Whether you live in a HDB, a condominium or a landed property, knowing that your home and family is properly safe against danger will give you a peace of mind as you go about your daily lives. The first line of defense against unwanted intruders are often the main gates and doors of our homes. While a mechanical lock might...


Known for producing sleek and luxurious digital door locks, Kaadas is a luxury digital lock brand that has been making waves in the smart home community. Headquartered in Germany and Shenzhen, China–one of the world’s foremost technological hubs– Kaadas designs intuitive smart door locks according to the company's adherence to innovation, quality, integrity and craftsmanship.  Here are 5 of the...


Doors in Ancient Times Throughout history, people have been locking themselves in and others out. It’s a fundamental human need to seek safety, security and privacy, especially in the space we call home. Primal man sheltered in caves and built rudimentary structures for safety and warmth. Our ancestors secured these dwellings as a matter of survival. The best way of...


A famous singer once sang, “home is where the heart is”, and this statement proves true for many homeowners. You start by buying a house that eventually becomes a home. Remember when you were house hunting, and some of the places you visited didn’t meet your criteria, or it just didn’t feel right for you even when they did. A...


Digital door locks are becoming increasingly common in Singapore homes, and are already extremely popular across the world. In fact, the global market was valued at USD 1.38 billion in 2020. The number of homeowners gravitating towards the use of digital door locks is only going to grow in the coming years. With so many brands and styles on the...



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