For most people, home security starts and ends with a digital lock for your front door. While a good lock for your main door is definitely an important step in the road to a more secure home, there are other useful technologies you can use to protect yourself, your loved ones and all your belongings.
It is true that thefts and burglaries are not as prevalent in Singapore as compared to some other countries. Nonetheless, crime still occurs in our society and there is no guarantee that your precious belongings will not be stolen at an unexpected moment. Set your mind at peace and consider purchasing a digital safe box and ensure that wandering hands and eyes are kept away from your important items safely locked inside.
What is a Digital Safe Box?
As the name suggests, a digital safe box is a secure box where you store your personal belongings. These safe boxes can exist in a variety of places such as secured to your floor, hidden in your cupboard, in a special compartment, or at other locations depending on what your preference is.
Digital safe boxes also come with certain features (which we discuss below), but the most essential feature would include a four to six digit access code or another form of access such fingerprints or key locks, as well as added security measures if broken into.
The Benefits of Using a Digital Safe Box
Convenient Security
One of the biggest benefits of using a digital safe box is how conveniently it keeps your belongings safe. Instead of finding a hiding spot for your passports, important documents and jewellery, you can just pop them into your digital safe for safekeeping.
Digital safes are affordable, and can start from as low as a couple of hundred dollars. In the grand scheme of things, this is a worthy investment to ensure that your priceless belongings remain safe. At AN Digital Lock, our affordable digital safe boxes start at as low as $149 SGD. In terms of home improvement products, a digital safe might even be considered more useful than other devices like CCTV cameras (which come with their own set of legal restrictions on how they can be used).
These safes can also be installed at most locations to your liking. Floor safes, hidden safes, or even just regular safes kept in your cupboard; they all make good locations for a digital safe to be installed. The flexibility allows you to get creative with where you want to house your digital safe for maximum security and convenience.
Added Features
Good quality digital safe box will likely be both fireproof and waterproof. This goes a long way in protecting your beloved possessions in case of any accidents. Safe boxes are also made out of durable steel that does not break easily even if dropped from high up. Additionally, many are equipped with adjustable measures such as time delays, as well as lockout features in case of incorrectly typed codes.
What Qualities Should My Digital Safe Box Have?
When shopping for a digital safe, you should look out for the qualities mentioned above. Finding a safe that is convenient to use, within your price range, able to be flexibly installed, and most importantly, possess the security features you desire should factor into your final choice.
Make sure to do your research on additional features offered by different safes. Some of these features include different lock mechanisms, time delays, lockout modes and sound alarms to alert that your digital box is being tampered with. If you prefer a more high-tech touch screen keypad for your digital safe box, there are some options on the market too like our Nikawa Evolve NK Designer Safe. Others such as our Nikawa SWF 1818F Fire & Water Security Safe can be opened via fingerprint for added convenience.
What Size Should My Digital Safe Box Be?
The size of your digital safe will depend on a few factors. Firstly, what kind of items are you intending to store inside? Bulkier items such as jewellery and watch boxes will require more space. In contrast, items like paper documents and passports take up less space. The bigger those items, the bigger your digital safe should be.
Secondly, how big is your home/the location you want to place the safe? Practically, having too large of a safe can also be an inconvenient obstacle. Therefore, it’s important to first decide on where you want the safe to be installed in your home. This will factor into the size of the digital safe you eventually buy,
The Verdict
While security products like digital door locks are a good start to a secure home, there are many pre-emptive technologies we can employ beyond the main door for a more robust home security plan. It is useful to consider other measures such as a digital safe box to ramp up your home security and keep important items and documents safe. If you need help deciding what digital safe box or home security product will fit your home in Singapore, feel free to reach out to us with your questions.